Monday, August 27, 2012

Harlem Dash

This trip doesn't include any original pictures or anything, and I wasn't even going to count it until a couple friends made me realize just how impossible this whole walking thing would be if I didn't include random trips like this one.  So I'm including this short stroll through Harlem Friday night, which began at Marcus Garvey Park (where I caught some of the Bird with Strings show, part of the annual Charlie Parker Festival).  Then on down to 116th and Lenox for some Amy Ruth's, then up Lenox to 142nd to stop by a friend's house.

Not too much to note here since it was a short trip, except for the lively sidewalks and the wonderful Harlem Hospital mural (pictured above).  Also, this week's Street History comes from the name of the aforementioned Marcus Garvey Park, originally opened in 1840 as Mount Morris Park, but renamed Marcus Garvey Park by Mayor John Lindsay in 1973 after the Jamaican black nationalist writer.

But since we're on the subject of renaming, the aforementioned Lenox Ave, named after "bibliophile and philanthropist" James Lenox, was co-named Malcolm X Boulevard in 1987.  For a brief poetic snapshot, check out "Lenox Avenue: Midnight" by Langston Hughes, the date of which I cannot find at the moment.

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